Mysterious UFOs filmed over RAF base as several sightings reported within weeks

The mysterious lights were spotted in Cornwall over the past couple of weeks. Daily Express :: Weird Feed More...

Twix launches Christmas song with grime MC D Double E to spice up festive playlists
A new Christmas song is shaking up the festive playlist, but which classic tunes are Brits ready to retire? Daily Express :: Weird Feed More...

‘Entitled neighbour refuses to turn off Christmas lights – I’m thinking of calling police’
A woman has been told to call police after her neighbours installed 100,000 Christmas lights on their house and refused to switch them off, even late at night. Daily Express :: Weird Feed More...

The shocking new psychic predictions for 2025 – including a pandemic ‘worse than Covid’
Psychic World predicts the “beginning of the biggest global paradigm shift in three decades” Daily Express :: Weird Feed More...

‘I stayed at an old prison that’s now luxury hotel – some think it’s haunted’
A viral woman has shared her experience after spending the night in an old prison cell inside a Victorian building – people have dubbed it ‘haunted’. Daily Express :: Weird Feed More...

Aldi shoppers ‘infuriated’ after spotting security tags on unexpected item
Aldi shoppers have shared their shock after spotting security tags on a strange item, with many wondering why it needs to be protected. Daily Express :: Weird Feed More...

Only those with eagle eyes can spot hidden football in Santa’s sack in under 60 seconds
Only 25 percent of participants manage to find it in under 60 seconds. Daily Express :: Weird Feed More...

Keep spaghetti fresh for longer by using easy sandwich bag method
People are raving about this simple yet effective hack to store spaghetti in your cupboard – making it easier to access and taking up less room. Daily Express :: Weird Feed More...

You have 20/20 vision if you can spot the missing tickets in under 17 seconds
This head scratching football stadium brainteaser will leave you hunting high and low for the answer. Daily Express :: Weird Feed More...

You have 20/20 vision if you can spot the moose in less than 7 seconds
Puzzling winter brain teaser: Hidden Among the Trees, Find the 5 Moose On average, it takes 2.5 minutes to solve this moose-tery Daily Express :: Weird Feed More...